WELLCUM - Spa For Men

15 Settembre 2013
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Una pratica e stimolante lettura da w.c.!!😂
Se vi va di leggerla...
19 Agosto 2014
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Una pratica e stimolante lettura da w.c.!!😂
Se vi va di leggerla...
È sempre un piacere leggerti
30 Ottobre 2022
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Hello everyone,

I know it is Italian forum (sorry my neighbours, i speak only Croatian), so if it is not problem, i will write on english (you can use google translate on it).
The only reason why i registered is to write this post.
On last Friday 28th of October i was getting back from some business trip via car and was too late, and i was tired to drive to Croatia so many hours. TheHotel in Wellcum was only avaliabe at the time in this area, so i decide to get a hotel room there. I didnt know it is ''bordel'' or fkk club with prostitutes how you name it. Actually i was never with prostitutes or go to simmilar clubs or look for ''such kind of services'' i have a fiance and im fine, and in my 20s i was crazy enough with the girls. So, my navigation on the car write this result for Wellcum when i typed ''Hotel''... so i get there.
When i was arriving at the place there was one really sickening scene where couple of hundred meters before entrance, some guy beating one tiny and skinny women in extra high heels, i was shocked, i plan to stop and do something but i was unarmed. It was around 23 h...
Later when i arrived at the Wellcum i figure out what kind of this place actually is... I couldnt pay only room for overnight sleep, so i have to play ''club entrance'' with it too, all together 170€ but company will cover it anyway. After shower in room ''God didnt give me peace to sleep'' because i was afraid to tell anyone about it. I seen many cars arrive and leave the place so i think someone will maybe tell or do something... Anyway, i decide to pick some € in cash and go to the ''bar''.
I saw some girls with the scars, also there was some girl from spain (named Hermina, Hermena, Hirmena or something like that) with scar on her face, above her eyes. She was under the stress (maybe because she didnt earn enough money) so I decide to just give her some money, also i gave money some other girls too who were asked for it, but i didnt have sex with them... I just feel that it is not right, and i hope, that i make some of them a bit easier ''night'' with this. That girl with the scar Hermina, after our conversation was finished, was so grateful that she smile on me everytime she seen me, and send me hearts with her fingers (it was very cute actually but kind of sad at the same time).
With all respect to all of who uses this kind of ''service'', but i think that many of theese ladies have some macro who uses them and beats them, and damn, i feel so sorry for all of them who are in this kind of situation, because they have to do that for living... Shit im so sentimental guy and i cannot handle this, and still 2 days later i'm under the ''stress'' because of that.
I would like that we all think about theese girls one more time, and who knows how life is hard for some of them.
If i got super hero powers, i would use it to save them all, because i think that many of them are just ok and normal girls worth it.
Technically the people who i met there were very friendly and cool, so i dont actually think that man who uses this kind of service are bad or ''crazy idiots'' i think most of them are very relaxing and enjoyable company who like girls and drinks and it is fine.

I'm not sure if i will go at such a places again, maybe if my fiance finds out where i was, and dump me haha, but i hope that this will not going to happen.

Best regards to all!
Ultima modifica:
15 Settembre 2021
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Hello everyone,

I know it is Italian forum (sorry my neighbours, i speak only Croatian), so if it is not problem, i will write on english (you can use google translate on it).
The only reason why i registered is to write this post.
On last Friday 28th of October i was getting back from some business trip via car and was too late, and i was tired to drive to Croatia so many hours. TheHotel in Wellcum was only avaliabe at the time in this area, so i decide to get a hotel room there. I didnt know it is ''bordel'' or fkk club with prostitutes how you name it. Actually i was never with prostitutes or go to simmilar clubs or look for ''such kind of services'' i have a fiance and im fine, and in my 20s i was crazy enough with the girls. So, my navigation on the car write this result for Wellcum when i typed ''Hotel''... so i get there.
When i was arriving at the place there was one really sickening scene where couple of hundred meters before entrance, some guy beating one tiny and skinny women in extra high heels, i was shocked, i plan to stop and do something but i was unarmed. It was around 23 h...
Later when i arrived at the Wellcum i figure out what kind of this place actually is... I couldnt pay only room for overnight sleep, so i have to play ''club entrance'' with it too, all together 170€ but company will cover it anyway. After shower in room ''God didnt give me peace to sleep'' because i was afraid to tell anyone about it. I seen many cars arrive and leave the place so i think someone will maybe tell or do something... Anyway,l i decide to pick some € in cash and go to the ''bar''.
I saw some girls with the scars, also there was some girl from spain (named Hermina, Hermena, Hirmena or something like that) with scar on her face, above her eyes. She was under the stress (maybe because she didnt earn enough money) so I decide to just give her some money, also i gave money some other girls too who were asked for it, but i didnt have sex with them... I just feel that it is not right, and i hope, that i make some of them a bit easier ''night'' with this. That girl with the scar Hermina, after our conversation was finished, was so grateful that she smile on me everytime she seen me, and send me hearts with her fingers (it was very cute actually but kind of sad at the same time).
With all respect to all of who uses this kind of ''service'', but i think that many of theese ladies have some macro who uses them and beats them, and damn, i feel so sorry for all of them who are in this kind of situation, because they have to do that for living... Shit im so sentimental guy and i cannot handle this, and still 2 days later i'm under the ''stress'' because of that.
I would like that we all think about theese girls one more time, and who knows how life is hard for some of them.
If i got super hero powers, i would use it to save them all, because i think that many of them are just ok and normal girls worth it.
Technically the people who i met there were very friendly and cool, so i dont actually think that man who uses this kind of service are bad or ''crazy idiots'' i think most of them are very relaxing and enjoyable company who like girls and drinks and it is fine.

I'm not sure if i will go at such a places again, maybe if my fiance finds out where i was, and dump me haha, but i hope that this will not going to happen.

Best regards to all!
If someone, while he's driving, see a woman,or generally speaking somebody, who is in a dangerous situation, must at least call the police. Did you do it? Nobody blames anybody for don't stopping, it may be dangerous if you don't know how to behave. But according to your tale, you did nothing. I've never read about girls with scars inside the club, and I think the club is periodically in contact with the Austrian police, to prevent abuses. So it's difficult to trust the things you wrote. I think this story completely untrue. A tale invented from people against the club.
30 Ottobre 2022
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If someone, while he's driving, see a woman,or generally speaking somebody, who is in a dangerous situation, must at least call the police. Did you do it? Nobody blames anybody for don't stopping, it may be dangerous if you don't know how to behave. But according to your tale, you did nothing. I've never read about girls with scars inside the club, and I think the club is periodically in contact with the Austrian police, to prevent abuses. So it's difficult to trust the things you wrote. I think this story completely untrue. A tale invented from people against the club.
I agree that I made mistake that i didnt stop and try to figure out what is happening with this girl and the guy. Later i was thinking, ok, there were 2 cars 200-300 meters behind me, maybe they do something, they must pass near them too. Also, who knows, maybe some boyfriend finds out that his girlfriend do this, or father finds out that his daughter do that ''kind of job''. It was beating like slaping her on the face and yelling on her. It was not beating like with some fist punching, or kicking with legs, or with some kind of weapon... In that case i would call for someone from club to help because I'm foringer and i dont speak german language. I mean, even slap on the face and yelling is a violence/abuse, but it's not the same to me. At least, maybe it was act of agreed sex role, i dont know, do not hessitate on me, it was my first appearance at such a kind of club.

You tell that i lie, but look, i have the bill from hotel room (STD Hotel Gmbh & CO KG) with time, and transaction number. You can also ask this girl Hermina, she must remember me. And now i can see that club Wellcum has website with girls, go and check if i lie about the scars...

Anyway, this are just my presumption, I dont say that Hermina and other girls are tortured by some macros, I just say that i think it is behind. I belive that club do its best to protect the girls and make everyone happy (girls and guests/customers) and i want to belive that they are 100% efective and succesful in this.
Club Wellcum is very modern and nice place, very clean, very professional and very kind staff, from reception to the bar. Also girls are very beautiful and very nice in behaviour. Also guests/customers are great, and you can make friendships very easy. Also hotel room was very clean and great, sound insulation is perfect, and you can get sleep and rest very well. Food (breakfast) was also awesome, i like eggs prepared on ''eye'' style, was crisp outside and soft inside. So there is many many pluses form my side, and i belive that this club can be highly reccomended to almost everyone. I wich that i find out for this when i was younger in my mid 20s ;)
14 Settembre 2014
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If someone, while he's driving, see a woman,or generally speaking somebody, who is in a dangerous situation, must at least call the police. Did you do it? Nobody blames anybody for don't stopping, it may be dangerous if you don't know how to behave. But according to your tale, you did nothing. I've never read about girls with scars inside the club, and I think the club is periodically in contact with the Austrian police, to prevent abuses. So it's difficult to trust the things you wrote. I think this story completely untrue. A tale invented from people against the club.
Don't forget some years ago an Andiamo 's girl was beaten to death
15 Settembre 2013
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L'episodio raccontato, se fosse reale, sarebbe stato da denunciare alla polizia in primis ed al locale, non raccontato come aneddoto in un forum di punter.
Non tutto é bello, e non tutto é brutto, e in un luogo come questo vedo e mi aspetto di tutto, sia in bene, sia in male.

In particolare in un luogo dove circolano molti soldi facili esistono sicuramente situazioni border line, e anche oltre la soglia dell'onestà, ovviamente.

Per affermare certe cose servono prove provate, e andare ad intuito è dannoso, o una semplice impressione non rappresenta una verità reale. Dico che scrivere in questo posto può solo creare danno al locale, che é assolutamente estraneo a certi fatti o certi avvenimenti.

Inoltre, e io dubito sempre comunque di certe storie, chi è che scrive? Si é iscritto scansionando il passaporto, lasciando una pec, inserendo la partita iva e l'indirizzo? Dubito, dubito sempre, anche se le cose accadono. Ci sono Autorità in grado di gestire e documentare certi fatti, e chi non ci va, ha di sicuro la "coda di paglia" per non andarci, facile fare i coraggiosi in un forum di puttanieri dove non si rischia nemmeno la faccia...

Speriamo bene...anche se Hermina da quando la conosco ha sempre graffi in fronte, in quanto strapiena di acne e brufoli che lei cerca di togliere...
E, se non lo sapete, spesso le ragazze in spogliatoio litigano e si prendono a sberle...no, per dire...anche se sono perfettamente consapevole del marcio che ci sta dietro...
19 Agosto 2014
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Bene, cosa dite se torniamo a scrivere su cose piacevoli.
Questi episodi, se veri, devono essere trattati dalle Autorità competenti. Se poi qualcuno vede qualcosa che non va deve e ripeto deve intervenire o chiamare le Autorità e non postate qui sul forum racconti che non servono proprio a nulla.

Detto ciò avanti torniamo a parlare delle nostre care welcumine, mi pare che oggi ci sia tanta roba su con la festa.
Buon Halloween
15 Maggio 2013
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Buongiorno salito ieri..arrivò verso le 13 e già tanti orai ma situazione vivibile…poi verso le 16 orde di barbari…in zona relax gente col telefonino che chiama a casa gli amici (ripreso dal buttafuori si lamenta del fatto che essendo zona relax non deve essere essere disturbato)…poi schiamazzi e urla di ragazzi molto giovani che vanno al locale per fare festa e la fanno in zona relax…cinema sempre affollato…per non parlare del ristorante…dalle 18 alle 19.30 impossibile entrarci…poi gente che prende da mangiare x una squadra di calcio e lascia tutto lì sulla tavola senza rimettere a posto..pazzesco..
Capitolo girl…fatto due camere non mi ricordo il nome…una con una biondina con 2 codini appena arrivata…voce da trans ma mi attizzava per i modi dolci…in camera super fk e deep bbj…troppo rifatta per i miei gusti però!!!seconda camera con una moretta piccolina carina dal seno naturale molto gfe…
Visto Nosa che però non ho stanzato in quanto non bacia…e poi Svetla con le tette fuori…era il mio obiettivo ma la ragazza non ti caga neanche di striscio incredibile…
Da notare Kelly che non ha fatto una camera se ne stava con la patata a riposo…ore 20 tolto le tende in quanto non si camminava neanche
16 Dicembre 2018
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Buongiorno salito ieri..arrivò verso le 13 e già tanti orai ma situazione vivibile…poi verso le 16 orde di barbari…in zona relax gente col telefonino che chiama a casa gli amici (ripreso dal buttafuori si lamenta del fatto che essendo zona relax non deve essere essere disturbato)…poi schiamazzi e urla di ragazzi molto giovani che vanno al locale per fare festa e la fanno in zona relax…cinema sempre affollato…per non parlare del ristorante…dalle 18 alle 19.30 impossibile entrarci…poi gente che prende da mangiare x una squadra di calcio e lascia tutto lì sulla tavola senza rimettere a posto..pazzesco..
Capitolo girl…fatto due camere non mi ricordo il nome…una con una biondina con 2 codini appena arrivata…voce da trans ma mi attizzava per i modi dolci…in camera super fk e deep bbj…troppo rifatta per i miei gusti però!!!seconda camera con una moretta piccolina carina dal seno naturale molto gfe…
Visto Nosa che però non ho stanzato in quanto non bacia…e poi Svetla con le tette fuori…era il mio obiettivo ma la ragazza non ti caga neanche di striscio incredibile…
Da notare Kelly che non ha fatto una camera se ne stava con la patata a riposo…ore 20 tolto le tende in quanto non si camminava neanche
La biondina è Calliope !
15 Settembre 2013
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Buongiorno salito ieri..arrivò verso le 13 e già tanti orai ma situazione vivibile…poi verso le 16 orde di barbari…in zona relax gente col telefonino che chiama a casa gli amici (ripreso dal buttafuori si lamenta del fatto che essendo zona relax non deve essere essere disturbato)…poi schiamazzi e urla di ragazzi molto giovani che vanno al locale per fare festa e la fanno in zona relax…cinema sempre affollato…per non parlare del ristorante…dalle 18 alle 19.30 impossibile entrarci…poi gente che prende da mangiare x una squadra di calcio e lascia tutto lì sulla tavola senza rimettere a posto..pazzesco..
Capitolo girl…fatto due camere non mi ricordo il nome…una con una biondina con 2 codini appena arrivata…voce da trans ma mi attizzava per i modi dolci…in camera super fk e deep bbj…troppo rifatta per i miei gusti però!!!seconda camera con una moretta piccolina carina dal seno naturale molto gfe…
Visto Nosa che però non ho stanzato in quanto non bacia…e poi Svetla con le tette fuori…era il mio obiettivo ma la ragazza non ti caga neanche di striscio incredibile…
Da notare Kelly che non ha fatto una camera se ne stava con la patata a riposo…ore 20 tolto le tende in quanto non si camminava neanche
Salire durante un party é come giocare alla roulette russa sparandosi nei maroni, con un caricatore da sei, con sei pallottole...non si sbaglia!

Sinceramente avevo fatto un pensiero di salire per la festa (saltando il venerdi appena fatto).
...appunto, solo per la festa, ma senza intenzione di fare camere...
Meno male che ho evitato il party... Calliope? Mai considerata...ammiro voi coraggiosi...