Hello there

24 Novembre 2022
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Hey everyone... I'm a new joiner from London and I found out about this community from an equivalent one we have in the UK. I'll be visiting Milan in December and I was wondering what are the popular website you people use to find escorts and trans in a reliable way (I'll be happy to share information about what we use over here).

I'm mostly interested in women with big fake tits, the bigger the better, and I don't mind the occasional transexual as well, which means that if you have recommendation in that sense it will also be very welcome.

Thank you very much for your help,
27 Agosto 2012
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United Kingdom
Good evening.
Welcome to the community. I am one of the italians living in London, you`ll find the section "Europe - UK" full of my reviews, and I`m also a member of UK Punting (with a different nickname).
However, I need to inform you, in this community giving explicit advices is forbidden by decree, we can only give feedback so you can make your own informed choices.
As for informations about the agencies, this (LINK) is the section you are looking for.
Enjoy your search
24 Novembre 2022
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  • #3
Hey Teo, thanks a lot for pointers and for the information, I indeed found out about this website and another one on UKP where I have been quite active with review myself.

So you are saying that there is nothing similar to AW in Italy that people refer to in order to find WGs and then cross reference the reviews on here? Thanks a lot for the agencies links though, that's for sure a good start.

27 Maggio 2008
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Hello Baz, nice to meet you here.

This forum is meant to share personal experiences with escorts in form of structured reviews.

In this forum we can't give any advice on specific escorts.

Also it is not allowed to compare escorts or create any rankings.

Every experience is unique and personal and as you can understand every punter is different and every escort is different.

BTW You can browse the reviews section and find the city you are interested in.

It's up to you to read and decide independently if one escort is a good match for you or not.

Official language here is Italian.

For more details please read carefully out terms page - Terms » PUNTERFORUM (english section)

24 Novembre 2022
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  • #5
Va bene, l'ho capito, ma non è proprio quello che ho chiesto. Stavo chiedendo dove le persone cercano prima le escort per poi tornare qui e controllare la recensione dopo.

Chiedo scuso per il tono strano ma ho usato il traduttore.
27 Maggio 2008
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There is no unique answer.

As we cannot advise escort, we cannot advise any site as well.

We have a general section where we discuss about most used sites pros and cons: Le Escort nel Web

A special mention for cons goes to this other long thread (that is out of the web section): Discussione - Escort Advisor - Affidabilita zero e manipolazione delle recensioni

Some sites are countrywise - other are regional, some sites offer simple loft or escort, some sites are agencies.

Best thing is you go and read the reviews in the city of your interest - check against your budget and see what is the most used site in that area.
27 Maggio 2008
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Nota di servizio:

voglio proprio ridere.

Orde di italiani (o italioti) che si suppone conoscano sufficientemente la lingua italiana ma non sanno leggere il regolamento finiscono a frotte nel cestino per non saper aprire correttamente le richieste info allegando link e index, anche dopo anni di iscrizione e lurkeraggio del forum, e andiamo a dire ad uno straniero iscritto da meno di 24 ore che viene da realta' (anche legislativamente) molto diverse dalla nostra che se vuole puoi chiedere info su una specifica escort?

E poi come glielo spieghiamo quando finisce nel cestino?

Che dal suo punto di vista sara': ma guarda questi italiani, prima ti illudono e poi ti cestinano.

Ammettiamolo, non siamo un forum tra i piu' semplici da frequentare, ma almeno evitiamo di complicare la vita ai neoiscritti mettendoli su strade che non conoscono senza dargli le dovute spiegazioni.

PS: Sarebbe stato piu' utile per lui piuttosto:

Hello Baz, one more useful hint:

If you see any gilr/escort/trans you would like to meet, try using our site search putting the phone number with this formats:

- Italian numbers in plain form as 3219876543 (no dots, no spaces, no +39) or index form 32198765xx (last two digits removed by xx letter)
- international numbers in plan form as +443219876543

If a member had a meeting and write a review you will see it in the result page even if the meeting was in another region/city

24 Novembre 2022
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  • Creatore Discussione
  • #9
Posso dare un altro suggerimento? Penso che sarebbe molto utile e più efficiente iniziare le recensioni con un colore codificato (verde, rosso e grigio) titoli che dice qualcosa come esperienza positiva/negativa/neutra.

In questo modo si può avere un rapido barlume se la ragazza che lavora è complessivamente buona o cattiva
24 Novembre 2022
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Nota di servizio:

voglio proprio ridere.

Orde di italiani (o italioti) che si suppone conoscano sufficientemente la lingua italiana ma non sanno leggere il regolamento finiscono a frotte nel cestino per non saper aprire correttamente le richieste info allegando link e index, anche dopo anni di iscrizione e lurkeraggio del forum, e andiamo a dire ad uno straniero iscritto da meno di 24 ore che viene da realta' (anche legislativamente) molto diverse dalla nostra che se vuole puoi chiedere info su una specifica escort?

E poi come glielo spieghiamo quando finisce nel cestino?

Che dal suo punto di vista sara': ma guarda questi italiani, prima ti illudono e poi ti cestinano.

Ammettiamolo, non siamo un forum tra i piu' semplici da frequentare, ma almeno evitiamo di complicare la vita ai neoiscritti mettendoli su strade che non conoscono senza dargli le dovute spiegazioni.

PS: Sarebbe stato piu' utile per lui piuttosto:

Hello Baz, one more useful hint:

If you see any gilr/escort/trans you would like to meet, try using our site search putting the phone number with this formats:

- Italian numbers in plain form as 3219876543 (no dots, no spaces, no +39) or index form 32198765xx (last two digits removed by xx letter)
- international numbers in plan form as +443219876543

If a member had a meeting and write a review you will see it in the result page even if the meeting was in another region/city

Grazie tanto

Membro cancellato 895

Hi Baz, and welcome to Punterforum.

Indeed, despite the high quality of information and topics that we have here, this forum is very much Italian and local and, so far, we have nothing like "doing sex in Italy" or any other guide for foreigners here, expats or tourists.

As mentioned above, we do not make recommendations and we are not allowed to advice.
The reasons are simple:
- Italian Law punishes any act which is deemed to encourage prostitution or the buy&sell of sex services (and we are 100% legal and compliant)
- We do not want to promote any sex worker over another whatsoever (because we are good guys)
- We do not want our members to exploit their forum membership to obtain a better service from a professional (because any good guys' circle has its assholes).....
In order to make you have a better understanding of what I'm talking about, one of the main rules in this community is:
first rule of the fight club is you do not talk about Fight Club.

Having said that, and provided that the fundamental of this long standing community is the sharing of experiences, any single review is a brick of a very solid and large construction of knowledge of the adult service scene in Italy and in its different regions. And you will find this build really helpful without breaking any of our strict rules.

Accordingly, if, for example, you start reading the reviews of escorts in Milan, you will easily discover which websites are most commonly used to find the services required in that area. Right in same way, you will easily discover the most common sites used for the search of transexuals prof's in Milan.
Once you discover the name of the websites (for example, very, very popular sites are: escortforumit.xxx for girls, piccoletrasgressioni.com for transex), just copy the published telephone number of the provider you like and search for it within the forum. You'll be surprised of the info you'll be able to find very shortly on your preferred temporary queen.
I just mentioned a couple of websites very popular in Italy at the moment, especially for the wide catalogue, but, again, reading here and there in the proper sections of this board you will find other websites, not to mention that Punterforum itself gathers a selection of ads extracted from the web with an immediate link to the relevant reviews here.

Finally, and this is an allowed recommendation, never rely on the review of THIS WEBSITE, unfortunately very well known in Italy, because they fabricate fake reviews for the professionals who pay for their ads.

Hey, in Milan you will find a very wide choice of professionals, you'll have a good time!
Just do not forget to post your review once... done.

Forgive me if the tone sounded weird, but I haven't used any translator 😅


27 Maggio 2008
Reaction score
Lost in translation:

@Julio hai dimenticato di dire _sticazzi_, che vale sempre piu' di tanta punteggiatura.
27 Maggio 2008
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Posso dare un altro suggerimento? Penso che sarebbe molto utile e più efficiente iniziare le recensioni con un colore codificato (verde, rosso e grigio) titoli che dice qualcosa come esperienza positiva/negativa/neutra.

In questo modo si può avere un rapido barlume se la ragazza che lavora è complessivamente buona o cattiva

Buon suggerimento.

Probabilmente ne abbiamo gia' parlato nel passato ma e' stato scartato per evitare facili e superficiali letture.

Every punter dreams of discovering the ultimate Pandora's box of escorts review. But there is a problem with the Amazon's model of rating, they are very easy to fake.

Every punter is different and we believe the reasons that push to search for pay sex are deeply different for each of them.

That means different punters will have different experiences, even opposite, with the same girl/trans.

We encourage to read all the reviews to have an idea not only about the girl/trans but also about the author.

Only fully understanding the two sides of a sex experience you can decide which is best for you.

Otherwise you can experience some frustration by too high expectations.

There is a simple data sheet on top of every review to help you quickly filter by objective data (rate, services, age, description).

(article translated with Pictionary technology)