Questa pagina illustra come vengono utilizzati i cookies in questo sito. Continuando a navigare tra queste pagine, accetti implicitamente l'uso che ne facciamo.
I cookies sono piccolissimi file che, a seconda del sito che stiamo visitando, vengono immagazzinati sul tuo computer dal programma per navigare (per esempio Internet Explorer, Chrome o FireFox).
Questa tecnica permette al sito di ricordarsi di te e delle tue impostazioni, delle tue preferenze e ad esempio può aiutarti a ricordare i tuoi dati di login.
I cookies possono rimanere memorizzati sul tuo computer per un breve periodo di tempo (come per esempio fino a quando non chiudi il programma per navigare) oppure per un periodo di tempo più lungo anche anni.
In ogni caso non possiamo leggere i cookies memorizzati da altri siti.
Questo sito si serve dei cookies per facilitare la navigazione degli utenti in vari modi, incluso:
Questi sono i cookies principali che impostiamo durante le normali operazioni del software.
Durante l'utilizzo del sito possono essere impostati cookie aggiuntivi per ricordare le informazioni mentre vengono eseguite determinate azioni o ricordare determinate preferenze.
Altri cookie possono essere impostati da fornitori di servizi di terze parti che possono fornire informazioni quali il monitoraggio in modo anonimo degli utenti che visitano il sito o impostati da contenuti incorporati in alcune pagine, come YouTube o altri fornitori di servizi di media.
Il controllo dei cookies e le impostazioni su di essi possono essere gestite all'interno del tuo browser. Di seguito trovi le indicazioni su come gestire i cookies per i programmi per navigare più popolari:
Per saperne di più sui cookices e trovare più informazioni riguardo il blocco di alcuni tipi di cookies, visita la pagina sui cookies del sito ICO.
Nome Utente | Purpose |
Essential cookies | |
These cookies are required to enable core functionality such as security, network management, and accessibility. You may not reject these. | |
xf___crossTab | This local storage item is used to store information used to communicate across tabs, such as the current cross-site request forgery token. |
xf_cacheKey | This local storage item is used to store the cache key used for offline storage items. |
xf_consent | This cookie is used to store a user's cookie consent preferences. |
xf_csrf | This cookie is used to store a user's cross-site request forgery token, preventing other applications from making malicious requests on the user's behalf. |
xf_dbWriteForced | This cookie is used to indicate that the request should be completed using the database write server. |
xf_editorDisabled | This local storage item is used to store whether or not a user has the rich text editor enabled. |
fr-copied-html | This local storage item is used to store a user's copied rich text when pasting into the text editor. |
fr-copied-text | This local storage item is used to store a user's copied plain text when pasting into the text editor. |
xf_guestUsername | This local storage item is used to store a guest user's username. |
xf_inline_mod_* | These cookies are used to store a user's currently selected inline moderation items. |
xf_language_id | This cookie is used to store a user's selected language. |
xf_lbSidebarDisabled | This local storage item is used to store whether or not a user has toggled the lightbox sidebar. |
xf_ls | This cookie is used to store a user's local storage contents in the event their browser does not support the native local storage mechanism. |
xf_multiQuote* | These local storage items are used to store a user's multi-quote selections. |
xf_notice_dismiss | This cookie is used to store a user's dismissed notices. |
xf_push_history_user_ids | This local storage item is used to store which users on this device have enabled push notifications. |
xf_push_notice_dismiss | This cookie is used to determine whether or not a user has dismissed the push notification notice. |
xf_push_subscription_updated | This cookie is used to determine if a user's push subscription preferences have been updated. |
xf_session | This cookie is used to store a user's session identifier. |
xf_style_id | This cookie is used to store a user's selected style. |
xf_tfa_trust | This cookie is used to determine if a user has previously chosen to trust this device without requiring further two-step verification for a period of time. |
xf_toggle | This cookie and local storage item are used to store a user's preferences for toggling various controls open or closed. |
xf_user | This cookie is used to store a user's "remember me" token, allowing their credentials to persist across multiple sessions. |
xf_visitorCounts | This local storage item is used to store counts of a user's unread direct messages and alerts. |
Optional cookies | |
We deliver enhanced functionality for your browsing experience by setting these cookies. If you reject them, enhanced functionality will be unavailable. | |
xf_emoji_usage | This cookie is used to store which emojis a user has recently used when composing a message. |
xf_from_search | This cookie is used to track when a user has arrived on the site from a search engine. |
Third-party cookies | |
Cookies set by third parties may be required to power functionality in conjunction with various service providers for security, analytics, performance or advertising purposes. | |
Apple Music | These cookies are set by Apple Music, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Bluesky | These cookies are set by Bluesky, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Dailymotion | These cookies are set by Dailymotion, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
These cookies are set by Facebook, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
Flickr | These cookies are set by Flickr, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Giphy | These cookies are set by Giphy, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Google Analytics | These cookies are set by Google Analytics, and may be used for analytics. |
HCaptcha | These cookies are set by HCaptcha, and may be used for verifying legitimate traffic. |
Imgur | These cookies are set by Imgur, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
These cookies are set by Instagram, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
Meta | These cookies are set by Meta, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
These cookies are set by Pinterest, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
These cookies are set by Reddit, and may be used for displaying embedded content. | |
SoundCloud | These cookies are set by SoundCloud, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Spotify | These cookies are set by Spotify, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
TikTok | These cookies are set by TikTok, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Tumblr | These cookies are set by Tumblr, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Twitch | These cookies are set by Twitch, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
Vimeo | These cookies are set by Vimeo, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
X | These cookies are set by X, and may be used for displaying embedded content. |
YouTube | These cookies are set by YouTube, and may be used for analytics, verifying legitimate traffic, or other embedded content. |