Letteratura e corpivendole

24 Aprile 2008
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Segnalo una bella lettura (disponibile solo in tedesco o inglese):
Private Dancer (January 15, 2005 edition) | Open Library

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Riporto di seguito un passo:
"Was I surprised that Joy had a husband? Was I fuck. It's her instinct to lie, to get as much from a
farang as she can. It's like the story of the scorpion and the frog. You heard that one?
There's this frog sitting down at the edge of a stream. A scorpion comes up and asks the frog
if he'll carry the scorpion across the stream. Scorpions can't swim, you see. Now, the frog's not
stupid. "If I let you on my back, you'll sting me," he says.
"Why would I do that?" asks the scorpion. "I want to get across the stream. If I sting you,
you'll die and I'll drown."
The frog thinks about it and then says okay. So the scorpion climbs on the frog's back and the
frog starts to swim across. As they reach the midway point, the scorpion stings the frog.
With its dying breath, the frog says to the scorpion,
"Why did you do that? Now we'll both die."
As he disappears under the water, the scorpion shrugs and says, "Instinct, I guess."
It wouldn't matter how much Pete loved Joy, how much he gave her. It wouldn't matter if he
meant to marry her and take her away from the life that had pushed her into prostitution, no
matter what he did or what he promised, she'd follow her instinct. It's like we say here. You can
take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl. "
24 Aprile 2008
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Corpi globali - Firenze University Press
"Corpi globali addresses the recent phenomenon of the proliferation of sexual services on payment, from street-walking, more visible and "disturbing", to the secluded world of top escorts, and comprising the broad range of services offered through computer technologies. The practice of sexual relations on payment has become widespread, every year involving millions of clients belonging to all social classes. This appears to be a reflection of a broader cultural model that conveys an image of sexuality divorced from affection and sentiment, which can be bought and sold like any other commodity. Which dimensions structure and supply the offer of bodies on sale? What are the reasons that induce people to purchase depersonalised and commercialised sexual services? The authors analyse the prostitution market in Italy, focusing attention on the entities that compose it, from the independent prostitutes to those who are subjected to exploitation and the criminals involved in the traffic. Reflecting on the link between demand and supply, the book offers an updated picture of the most significant changes that have taken place in the "world" of prostitution over the last decade."
