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1. It’s illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church (Alabama)
2. You cannot push a live moose out of an airplane (Alaska)
3. Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs (Arizona)
4. Women are not allowed to drive a car while wearing a housecoat (California)
5. Unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be fined or jailed (Florida)
6. Carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket is illegal (Georgia)
7. Coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears (Hawaii)
8. It is illegal to take a nap in a cheese factory (Illinois)
9. It’s illegal to dye ducklings blue and sell them (Kentucky)
10. Eating while swimming in the ocean is illegal (Maryland)
11. It’s illegal to fish for whales on Sunday (Ohio)
12. It’s illegal to harass Bigfoot or Sasquatch (Washington)
13. Gorillas are not allowed to sit in the backseat of a car (Massachusetts)
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