Dear Insane!!!(here is Sheyla---p.s.:The girl who didn'n finish the school..or stupid -what you think)
I want to tell you something!..[........]
Ricevuto il permesso dal padrone di casa pubblico in inglese solo in favore della diretta interessata. Prego chiunque altro ad astenersi dall'utilizzare l'inglese, eccetto Sheyla stessa se vorrà rispondere.
My dear Sheyla,
I never felt compelled to justify myself for what I write in my
rewiews about the girls I visited ('cause this is a forum about this
kind of rewiews, did you know it?) and I'm not going to apologize
for anything I wrote, now or in the past, for what I write is
the mirror of what I've been thru'.
I want to answer to your comments on my review 'cause during our
meeting you've been very kind to me and you deserve all my respect,
and from what you wrote I assume you misunderstood almost everything
of what I wrote.
You are fully justifiable for your misunderstanding as you are not
italian and you got the right not to know well our language, but next
time before getting that angry and writing what you wrote you'd better
be sure you understood what you read, not only by the help of google's
translation which fails most of the times translating "sayings" or
slang expressions, and most of all without the help of some italian
people who clearly declares here they often can't understand what I write.
For that reason here's my review on my visit to you correctly translated
to english (even if I'm afraid many mistakes will occurr if you use google
to translate it from english to bulgarian, but maybe you speak english
better than me and there won't be this problem) with some explanatory notes
that will help you in understanding what I wanted to mean, yes, because
as you may have figured out by yourself I don't use to write my reviews
in a "classic" way, rolling out a list of positions like it was the
shopping list, that after a while becomes boaring to read, but I try to
describe what happened and how it was using an alternative way, and a
little bit of houmor (which you obviously cannot catch for language problems),
in an attempt to not make the reader fall asleep.
So my dear, here we go, if you want:
My experience:
When I went to school the meetings of professors
with my parents invariably begun with a nice:
"He is smart, but does not apply, could give much more
and instead he is happy to do the minimum to get on with life
without problems, but also without wanting to excel."
This Sheyla reminds me a little myself with the difference that
the gift that nature has given to her in modern society is worth much more
than what teachers recognized me.
(that was just to introduce the fact that you could give much more than
you do during the meeting, and that's a pity... a real pity!)
A pussy of monumental proportions enclosed in a tiny body of 165 cm
to which I would not change even the most insignificant of forms,
absolutely perfect as it is in every square inch,
higher stature would be useless, larger breasts or of different shape
would be superfluous, a butt that should be kept at the International Bureau
of Weights and Measures in Sèvres, near Paris, at 0 ° C as the official sample
of the perfect ass, together with the sample of the meter.
And the face? Unabashedly beautiful and harmonious and so sweet to melt
even the coldest of the hearts, even mine.
(shouldn't need any explanation on this part, but it was to describe how phisically
perfect you are, one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my life,
using a little bit of houmor - sorry if you did not understand it)
So what's the trouble? The trouble is that if Sheyla would put in the action
a little bit "of his own" could finally make crack the already exhausted
Italian economy, companies that close to sudden budget holes,
drained bank accounts, the collapse of the stock value of the pharmaceutical companies that
produce the "help" for the boys, people who sell a kidney to see her again,
I can already see hordes of followers to her cult migrate with buses on pilgrimage
in Riccione (Rimini now), pledged to recognize his face or her silhouette
in the clouds, in a puddle, in a black smoke coming out from the exhaust of a truck,
jumping to keep the pee not to loose their place in the row in front at her door.
(an ironic piece to say that if you would show more participation during sex the result
could be totally different and you could have thousands of men addicted to you, who could
give anything they have to see you once again - this part is hard to translate in english
anyway I think also many italian people didn't understand it when they read it)
But this miracle-girl what does she do?
"The girl has enormous potential but does not apply"
Does not apply.
(this sentence, which totally represents you, is the same sentence my parent used to hear
from teachers concerning me when I went to school, that's why the introduction of the review in
the beginnig, no reference to your intelligence, cultural or educational history)
Dear girl, you between the legs do not have a vagina, you have a vault.
You could become a corporation quoted on the stock exchange and instead you prefere
to sell at the bazar-market only because it is easier.
(that was to say you do not use your potential, you could give a higher level service
and ask for more money, and people like me would be happy to pay you more to get it,
but instead you prefere to give a basical service to earn 60 euros every shot: is it
better for you to get 60 euros for 10 meetings per day, or would it be better to
get 150 euros for 4/5 meetings per day? And if you are really good you can achieve to
get even more money)
I'm not saying that you go out of her apartment unhappy, but really confused.
Was it worth the effort? Or not?
Analysing the meeting and drawing up a budget you come out on even,
you didn't gain and you didn't loose:
spent 100 euros ... why 100? Because I have no intention of giving up the main pleasures
of life and I'm not meeting this kind of pussy to be sucked rubbered
and especially I'm not going to get out of there without having kissed her, if she allows me!
- She who greets you at the door smiling and half-naked, wearing makeup and tightly prepared: her duty
- She that carefully wash you while you have your hands free to begin
to test her freshness and tone, rather than a simple "the bathroom is there!": 5 euros
- Getting your hands on that tiny body that would straighten even a castrated man: 10 euros
- Kissing that wonderful mouth and feel her warm tongue flickers: 10 euros
- Seeing your tool disappear and reappear from the same wonderful mouth: 10 euros
- Sinking your face between those ass and dining with pussy and butt: 20 euros
- Her tit in your mouth: 10 euros
- Your tit in her mouth: 5 euros
- Her doggy-style in front of you: 10 euros
- You doggy-style in front of her: better not!
- Her riding you and you that stop her just in time before she makes you come in only 3 shots of pussy
(she knows how to do it and that's what she seeks): -10 euros (and I am generous)
- A little in and out just to say you've been there too: 20 euros
- She wearing her superhigh-heels all the time: 5 euros
- A last sweet kiss while your coming: 5 euros
- Her kindness: reciprocated from yours.
(all this part is to say that I do not repent to have spent 100 euros with you,
but there was no added value which made me say "I will come back to her", especially
I did not like the way you accelerate everything you do to finish with me the sooner
you can, when you jumped on me and started riding me you moved so fast and frantically that
I had to stop you to not come immediately... look, I don't spend 100 euros to fuck for
only 1 minute, I think this you can understand it good)
As you can see in the end you come out even, but ...
The feeling, that after turns into certainty, is that it was more a visual pleasure
and less a sensorial one; remains the memory of a neutral meeting, dry, aseptic.
What is missing is a little more heat, participation, or vice-versa
a little more dirty-nasty attitude that makes you want to meet her again.
In the end she is only a card more in your personal album,
maybe one of the best, but still only a card.
(this part to say that you are so beautiful that I cannot describe it, but in the end
sex was nothing special, and not because you "are" nothing special, but only because
you did not want to "make it" special - I understand that me and other guys like me
are not your boyfriends and for you this is only a job, but you must understand that
the people who spend money which they earn very hard to meet you, and 100 euros are not
so few money, they want to have an illusion to be appreciated from you and that you
like what you are doing with them... or on the other hand you could choose to give
a dirrrrrty service, extremely dirty and nasty, which also makes men get addicted to you,
but I think you are not the kind for this, you look like an angel and you are more the kind
for soft, sweet and participated sex... you are not selling sex, you are selling an illusion,
remember it!)
Thinking that I had so magnificent projects on you,
me that begin to date you more and more often until I waste my entire fortune,
then me that begin to advertise you and make waste their entire fortune to all
my relatives, friends and acquaintances only to have a little discount on your performance,
then me that become jealous and redeem you with my love and I'll make you stay
at my house (if I still have a house left), and then we who love each other like crazy
and we live together poor but happy, feeding ourselves with our love
and we get married and bring out a basketball team of kids, all as beautiful as you
and as smart as me, and then you and I getting older together and you that lovingly
take care of me in my last days, being you 20 years younger than me.
But ...
Instead I'll have to keep my fortune, and keep on looking for another one to waste it with.
(another ironic part to mean that if you wanted to you can make feel a man in paradise,
but simply you don't want or you are not interested in it. If you could make me feel
an emotion besides your body, like many other of your colleagues do, I would have
kept on visiting you many times on and on, but instead you didn't give anything more
than your body for a few minutes, and that's not enough for me, not what I'm looking for
when I meet a girl like you.
A note for you and for somebody else: the part where I say "we could have a lot of kids
all as beautiful as you and as smart as me" was ironic too, and was not to mean I am intelligent
and you are beautiful but stupid, is just a funny "saying" in italian that can be applied on
many subjects to say that both of the parts put something of themselves to create something
else, for sure I could not say "my beauty" 'cause I'm not, and so? Do you want it all?
Don't you want to leave me not even the brain? So I must feel ugly and stupid?
Please, if you are so intelligent, like I'm sure you are, you should understand that
this is only a joke)
Dear Sheyla, after I finished school I began to apply myself to achieve better results in life,
and you? When will you finish school?
Just let me know, maybe I might decide to visit you again, or maybe not.
(this part you totally misunderstood it, I'm not graduated in university and I never ment to
judge your educational history which by the way I do not know, and not even your intelligence
- I don't know you enough to give this kind of judgment - it was just a metaphor to mean
that after school, where I never applyed myself as teachers used to say, in every job I
did I tried to apply myself the best I could to excel and try to be better than the others,
and the sentence "when will you finish school?" wants to mean "when will you start to apply
yourself in your job to be the best?")
Insane was here... but nothing more!
(Insane was here... but - unfortunately - nothing more!)
To sum it all up in one sentence: you could be one of the best escorts in Rimini but you prefer
to ask for 60 € and put a minimum of yourself in what you do.
I know that problably you don't give a fuck of everythig I wrote, and for sure you don't
need my money and you got enough clients to live quietly your life, but you must understand
that this is a forum where men tell their experiences with pay-girls, a lot of men when they
have in their hands a body like yours they are fully satisfied and don't need anything more,
a piece of meat is what they need, but not the same is for me, you are beautiful as hell,
and you know it good, but when I came to you I was lookin also for the person beyond the body,
not for an engagement but for a "human" relationship, and you have been kind but absent,
and tried to make the clock run faster it could.
Hope I didn't hurt you, you should take all my words like a suggestion and not like a rebuke.
Anyway maybe soon I'll go to visit you again, just to give you a second chance, but for sure
I won't tell you who I am... I want to live some more!
P.s. for Marknineteen:
E' vero insane è che a parte le descrizioni fantastiche (come quella inarrivabile del culo di Sheyla)
per il resto faccio fatica a capire cosa è la sostanza e cosa è assonanza nelle tue rece da antologia...
INSANE minchia questa se ti prende ti picchia !! E un po' ha anche ragione Sheyla ... ok scopare, ma il rispetto per me in ogni caso è importante ...
Joe Sheppard if you read right Insane also wrote in his fantasy story where he'll be married with Sheyla that they well do kids and he wrote very clear that he hope the kids will get the beauty from Sheyla and the brain from him ...
There not respect for the girl-person in those words, that's what I don't like for the Insane report as well I like the way he describe the beauty of this girl. That sentence above also means that Sheyla she's right when she notice that
Insane place himself above her as inteligence... how can he judge that I wonder?
For sure there are some rare girls moore hot than Sheyla but she work anyway professional and she dosn't deserve these kind of sentence. That's my simple point of view, I respect other point of view of course ...
Instead of dooing the cool one writing in english, and writing bullshits, you'd better
learn to read italian language, you are not a foreigner like Sheyla and you are not
justified to misunderstand what is written in your native language, and if you don't
understand as you said yourself don't criticize and give judgments... just shut up!